


INtersecting GRounds of Discrimination in Italy

INGRiD’s priority is to combat discrimination using an intersectional approach


Discrimination is often addressed by focusing on single factors such as gender, sexual orientation, nationality, skin colour, etc. This approach is not sufficient to protect people in practice because it does not recognise the amplified impact of all these dimensions in creating exclusion, discrimination, and oppression dynamics.


INGRiD promotes an intersectional approach in the policies and practices of actors dealing with anti-discrimination in Italy. INGRiD adopts a cross-sectoral approach combining empirical research, innovation of practices and policies, dissemination, and awareness-raising.

What do we do?


INGRiD’s research explores whether and to what extent the intersectional perspective is acknowledged in anti-discrimination policy, practice, and law


INGRiD designs and offers training activities on the concept of intersectionality addressing a variety of actors operating on the ‘frontiers’ of discrimination

Anti-discrimination desks

We promote the practical application of the intersectional perspective within the services of listening, recognising, and combating discrimination in different Italian regions

Information & advocacy

We support the adoption of legislation and policies that acknowledge the intersectional dimension of discrimination and more effective measures to combat it at national and European level


Qualification paths for preventing and combating discrimination in public transport and public administration in Veneto Region: final report

The concept of internationality has significant implications in education and [...]

By |8 September 2022|Categories: Insights, Publications|0 Comments

The Anti-Discrimination Desk in Trento, which was set up thanks to the commitment of volunteers, is a place for listening, raising awareness, addressing and collecting reports of cases of discrimination in Trentino

INGRiD’s partners

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