Si svolge a Bruxelles il 5 dicembre il convegno internazionale “Understanding & implementing Intersectionality in today’s Europe”, l’evento conclusivo europeo del progetto INGRID Project- Intersecting Grounds of Discrimination in Italy
The final conference of the project INGRiD – Intersecting Grounds of Discrimination in Italy marks an important milestone in the roadmap towards the recognition and adoption of intersectional frameworks to address discrimination in Europe. This interactive event will create a space to inform and strengthen existing expertise in the field of contrasting discrimination, presenting challenges and opportunities deriving from putting intersectionality in practice in the project’s experience.
This is a hybrid event. The address of the venue and Zoom link will be provided once registration is completed. Please fill out the registration form by November 30th at the very latest. Please note that places are limited! It is best to turn in your application as early as possible before the final deadline of 30th of November 2022. Registration is confirmed only upon reception of confirmation from CEJI. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to suitable applicants as soon as possible.